Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thanks, Psalm

It was a nervous morning and I felt like a kid on Christmas eve.  Waiting, and not sure what to do with myself, I swept the kitchen and lanai floors. 
Finally a large truck rumble up to the gate, brimming with deck building supplies.  Scot and I met Psalm the driver (cool name, yes?) and we were immediately impressed with his can do attitude and friendly confidence.  He assured us that at least some of the load could be taken by forklift all the way to the site. 
Phew!  Immediately he became my new best friend!
Psalm negotiating the spongy
path through the meadow to the yurt site.

With the skill of a slalom skier he picked his way through the spongy ground to the yurt site, placing more than 2880 lbs of cement pier posts within 50 feet of where they will permanently rest, supporting the deck, which will support the yurt. 
The weight of these loads and the forklift machine itself eventually made the path too rutted for more complete loads.  I for one was impressed with what was accomplished.
Psalm is a calm, gentle giant of a man.  He stopped twice during his work to take a phone call from his daughter in the Army, who is in the process of deployment to Afghanistan. 
You would never have known from his quiet way the stress he must have been feeling.  A son is currently serving in Iraq as well. 
Peace to you my friend.
About a ton and a half of pier block
set perfectly close to the site.
 The lumber was unloaded much neared the driveway.  Psalm dodged his way along the driveway, through tight spaces, avoiding trees and other obstacles.  Watching him balance the load high overhead  was like watching a high wire act, without the net!
At any moment I expected the load to tumble.  Instead it was placed with aplomb, gently on the ground, its temporary home.  Tomorrow friend Trevor and his 4-wheel drive truck will attempt to assist hauling most of the lumber. 
We shall see.
The rest of the wood for decking and flooring
gracefully moved to a safe location.
 It's fun seeing the family name.
The seal of approval:  Sanderson on the beam!

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